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Law Company OOO Proycto-VS (Moscow, Russia). Services and solutions on basis of detailed and partner approach

Law Company Proyecto-VS
Services and solutions on basis of detailed and partner approach

The OOO Proecto-VS, a Russian li­mi­ted lia­bi­li­ty com­pa­ny, is po­si­ti­oned as an or­ga­ni­za­tio­nal le­gal form for the pro­vi­sion of ana­ly­ti­cal le­gal ser­vi­ces in fo­re­ign tra­de, deals, cur­ren­cy con­t­rol, ta­xa­ti­on in Russia which is cha­rac­te­ri­zed, as of to­day, by the fol­lo­wing ele­ments of le­gal ser­vi­ces and so­lu­tions.

Subtle legal solutions. - Will be de­ve­lo­ped within good faith prac­ti­ces and on the ba­sis of ap­pli­cable le­gal ru­les and at the sa­me time of mo­ral­ly and le­gal­ly ad­mis­sib­le sub­tle op­por­tu­ni­ties in a spe­ci­fic si­tu­ation and le­gal par­ti­cu­lars and nuan­ces ("subtle good faith prac­ti­ces").

At de­tailed ana­ly­ti­cal level. - On the ba­sis of sys­te­ma­tic, in-depth, in­crea­sed, and in­no­va­ti­ve le­gal ana­ly­sis of ma­jor points and key de­tails of the ope­ra­tion, deal, si­tua­tion, pro­ject, bu­si­ness ac­ti­vi­ties being worked out as well as im­por­tant nuan­ces the­reof and le­gal and lin­guis­tic nuan­ces in Rus­sian, Eng­lish, and Spa­nish. That is, for le­gal so­lu­tions at the le­vel of "master of his art".

Pursuant to underlying re­gu­la­ri­ties. - Key de­tails and nuan­ces of a spe­ci­fic si­tua­tion shall be con­si­de­red from dif­fe­rent si­des and from dif­fe­rent angles to find out le­gal op­por­tu­ni­ties and not ob­vious, un­der­ly­ing le­gal re­gu­la­ri­ties that could and should be used for im­pro­ved le­gal so­lu­tions ("not-on-surface solutions").

With ne­ces­sary ex­pla­na­tion of de­tails. - In a lan­gua­ge un­der­stan­dable by not-lawyers. With cle­ar de­fi­ni­ti­ons of le­gal terms and no­tions. Using and in ac­cor­dan­ce with common sen­se ele­ments in obs­cure le­gal ex­pres­sions. By means of for­mu­la­tion of key ele­ments in the­sis or sub­tit­les of pa­rag­raphs (as it is made in this page) and other lin­guis­tic means. If ne­ces­sa­ry, with il­lus­tra­tive de­mon­s­tra­tion of in­ter­re­la­tions bet­ween le­gal no­tions, exam­ples from prac­ti­ces ("illus­tra­tive­ly and clearly").

Personal partner services. - It means that the ser­vi­ces shall be pro­posed and pro­vi­ded and re­la­tion­ships with cli­ents shall be main­tained at the entre­pre­neur's o di­rec­tor's le­vel of re­la­tion­ship or just like mu­tual­ly res­pon­sible equal re­la­tions as "bet­ween bu­si­ness part­ners". That is, without "hiring", "client is always right", "at your ser­vice", "re­fe­ren­ces of clients", "ex­pe­rien­ce of work", ano­ny­mity, im­per­so­nal re­quests with no name, etc. But with high stan­dards of bu­si­ness ethics, ke­eping one's word, ha­ving one's own de­ve­lop­ments, me­thods, and prac­ti­ces, etc.

When our mentalities are compatible. - No ser­vi­ces shall be pro­posed and pro­vi­ded un­less we have a com­mon un­der­stan­ding of the ques­tions, re­gu­la­ri­ties, me­thods, es­ti­ma­tions, com­mon view of pos­sib­le so­lu­tions in ge­ne­ral and in a spe­ci­fic si­tua­tion. In one word, when the re­lation­ship between us is comfortable.

Services of foun­der and di­rec­tor. - In Proyecto-VS, it's me, Vitaly Slavinskiy, the author of this Web-site, who is the lea­ding law­yer and entre­pre­neur with res­pect to the ac­tu­al pro­vi­sion of le­gal ser­vi­ces and at the sa­me ti­me the foun­der and di­rec­tor of the law com­pa­ny. To assu­re the pro­per qua­li­ty and par­ti­cu­lars of ser­vi­ces, all ser­vi­ces shall be pro­vi­ded on the ba­sis of my per­so­nal bu­si­ness par­tner re­la­tion­ships with cli­ents (not a part­ner­ship as le­gal en­ti­ty but a par­tner re­la­tion­ship). In ac­cor­dan­ce with this con­cept for the pro­vi­sion of ser­vi­ces on a per­so­nal and par­tner ba­sis ag­ree­ments for le­gal ser­vi­ces shall spe­ci­fy that all ser­vi­ces shall be pro­vi­ded by me or with my par­ti­ci­pa­tion.

Services of as­so­ci­a­ted firms and law­yers. - If ne­ces­sa­ry, so­me ser­vi­ces may be pro­vi­ded by or with par­ti­ci­pa­tion of as­so­ci­a­ted le­gal com­pa­ni­es and law­yers. Es­pe­cial­ly, re­gar­ding re­pre­sen­ta­tion of cli­ents in Rus­si­an courts and ar­bi­tra­tions, in­ter­na­ti­o­nal tax plan­ning. In so­me cases, the pro­vi­sion of le­gal ser­vi­ces may be for­ma­li­zed in the na­me of as­so­ci­a­ted le­gal com­pa­nies or law­yers.

Services of contractors. - In so­me ca­ses, the pro­vi­sion of le­gal and re­la­ted ser­vi­ces may in­volve third party con­trac­tors. In par­ti­cu­lar, in­ter­na­ti­o­nal in­for­ma­tion agen­ci­es for the pur­po­se of in­for­ma­tion and le­gal ve­ri­fi­ca­tion of fo­reign and Rus­sian com­pa­nies, as well as tran­sla­tion agen­cies to per­form trans­la­tions of tech­ni­cal texts and do­cu­ments into / from Rus­sian, Eng­lish or Spa­nish by na­ti­ve spea­kers of the­se lan­guages.

Limitation of liability. - All ser­vi­ces shall be pro­vi­ded on the terms of li­mi­ta­tion of lia­bi­li­ty of each party in each case in the amount of mo­ney paid by client for re­le­vant ser­vice.

Since 2001. The OOO "Proyecto-VS" was foun­ded in Sep­tem­ber 2001. Since the year 2001 the main te­le­phone num­ber of the le­gal com­pa­ny which is +7 495 (or 985) 922 96 70 as well as this site (do­main) has not been chan­ged. In­for­ma­tion abo­ut the state re­gis­tra­tion of OOO "Proyecto-VS" (in Russian "Проект-ВС") can be checked on the web­site of the Rus­si­an Federal Tax Agency at In­for­ma­tion abo­ut the re­gis­tra­tion of the Web-site in 2001 can be ve­ri­fied on the web­site of RU-CENTER domain Re­gis­trar at

Company registration information

Date of registration in Moscow Re­gis­tra­tion Cham­ber: 26 Sept 2001
Registration in Single State Registry of Le­gal Per­sons (EGRUL): 12 Sept 2002
Main State Registration Num­ber (ORGN) 1027739183416, TIN (INN) 7706243992
See scanned documents here

Legal and office address

12 Presnenskaya Naberezhnaya, The Fe­de­ra­tion-Vos­tok Tower, 13-th floor, Office 8, 123112, Moscow, Russia.

Services without VAT in Russia. The law com­pa­ny OOO Proyecto-VS app­lies the sim­p­li­fied taxa­tion sys­tem (in Rus­sian ab­bre­via­tion, the USN), the ser­vi­ces are not sub­jec­ted to VAT. Cont­racts and in­voi­ces as well as or­ders (if ne­ces­sa­ry) shall be pro­vi­ded in scan­ned form by e-mail, by re­gu­lar mail and (or) at a mee­ting. For ser­vi­ces to in­di­vi­duals, the Di­rec­tor app­lies the Rus­sian spe­cial tax re­gi­me "Tax on pro­fes­si­onal in­come".

Pay­ments from le­gal en­ti­ties and en­tre­pre­neurs by bank tran­s­fers. - Pur­su­ant to in­voi­ces is­sued by OOO Proyecto-VS. From Rus­si­an mo­ne­ta­ry re­si­dents (if you live in Russia), in Rus­sian roub­les. From mo­ne­ta­ry non-re­si­dents, in Rus­sian roub­les or euros.

Pay­ments from in­di­vi­du­als by cash or to bank card. - For per­so­nal ser­vi­ces to cli­ents from the Di­rec­tor in spe­ci­al tax re­gime "Tax on pro­fes­sio­nal in­come".

Яндекс.Метрика Яндекс цитирования

Legal analysis and consulting services in Russia
Description of services on this website is not a public offer of services
Law company "Proyecto-VS" (Moscow) • 2001-2024 • Contact
© Website author:
Vitaly Slavinskiy • All rights reserved